
Our latest Product updates

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Checkout the changelogs for Bolero V4 - our latest smart contract upgrades, featuring ERC-1155, new offers, gas sponsoring, abstraction and upcoming features!

Our latest Product updates
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Announcing Song Shares’ Bundles & The Sandbox Partnership

Announcing Song Shares’ Bundles & The Sandbox Partnership

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Bolero launches music rights “Bundles” and partners with The Sandbox to revolutionize music investment in Web3.

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Bolero and Le Motif join forces to bring the most complete French rap catalog to the public

Bolero and Le Motif join forces to bring the most complete French rap catalog to the public

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Le Motif and Bolero - a 400-track catalogue of French rap open to all.

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How much can you earn with streaming?

How much can you earn with streaming?

6 min read

Explore the earnings potential from music streaming platforms and learn how streaming royalties are calculated for artists and investors.

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Investing in Music - Why do major record labels and equity funds are all in?

Investing in Music - Why do major record labels and equity funds are all in?

5 min read

Discover why music catalogs are a top investment for major labels and private equity funds, with insight into the Bolero platform's role in this industry.

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Sync Deals in Music - Earnings and How-To Guide

Sync Deals in Music - Earnings and How-To Guide

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Unveiling the potential of sync deals in the music industry for artists and investors.

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Master vs Publishing Rights in Music IP

Master vs Publishing Rights in Music IP

4 min read

Understand the distinction between master recordings and publishing rights to make informed music investment decisions with Bolero.

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Exploring music catalogs - A guide to lucrative Song Shares

Exploring music catalogs - A guide to lucrative Song Shares

5 min read

Learn how music catalogs work as an investment, including streaming royalties and Song Shares through Bolero.

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